PSN Outage May Cost Capcom “Hundreds of Thousands, If Not Millions of Dollars”

The inability to access the PSN is discouraging, frustrating, and upsetting for most PS3 owners. It’s also affecting corporations who depend on the PSN as a viable source of income. Even with sales up, Capcom’s Corporate Officer and Vice-president of Strategic Planning & Business Development, Christian Svensson makes it clear Capcom is severely affected.

At the Capcom Unity Boards, Svensson expressed not only his personal feelings about the outage, but also how it impacts the Capcom business model. When asked, “How do you feel about the people hacking the PlayStation Network?” Svensson said:

I’m frustrated and upset by it for a number of reasons.

As a consumer, I also play games online on PS3, which I can’t do… and likely my personal information is also compromised. Secondly I like to buy things in the PlayStation store and that I can’t do right now.

On a related note, as an executive responsible for running a business, the resulting outage obviously costing us hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars in revenue that were planned for within our budget. These are funds we rely on to bring new games to market for our fans.

In short, the hackers appear to be trying to “punish” Sony for some perceived injustice, and they’ve been effective in that I suppose. But they’re also punishing millions of other consumers and businesses which makes it impossible to be sympathetic to their “cause”.

With no firm date on the PSN’s restoration, the pain felt by both gamers and Capcom alike will continue for a time.



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