Shareholders Ask Sony CEO to Step Down

At the annual shareholder’s meeting for Sony, the company’s CEO Howard Stringer fielded questions and concerns relating to the hack of the PlayStation Network and was asked to step down by various shareholders due to consumer’s loss of trust in the Sony brand and falling stock.

Sony’s head honcho fought back, countering the requests by stating that over 90 percent of PlayStation Network users have returned to Sony’s online service and that trust in Sony was on the rise. Stringer pointed to the earthquake that hit Japan as one of the major contributors in Sony’s stock falling and continued to apologize for any worries that have resulted because of the PSN hack.

One shareholder went as far to suggest that the PSN hack was retaliation for comments made by Sony’s management, to which Stringer replied that Sony was merely attempting to protect its IP from people wanting free access.

As fans of the Sony brand, do you feel that Howard Stringer should step down or has your trust in Sony been restored?



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