Uncharted 3 Bigger than 50GB Blu-ray Disc

The old adage states, the bigger the better. Developer Naughty Dog’s critically acclaimed Uncharted series is returning to PlayStation 3 with Drake’s Deception this fall in extra large fashion. Naughty Dog community manager Arne Meyer has shared some details about what it is like to be a PS3 exclusive developer, as well as the fact that Uncharted 3 is currently too big.

Speaking at gamescom about being PS3 exclusive, Meyer told NowGamer:

I think it really helps. It’s not even about sales. It’s about what we can push on the platform and how far we can take it. I’m sure you’ll hear this from every other Sony developer but you know, I can’t tell you how much we’ve been able to optimise Cell and you know, the amount of content we can put on Blu-ray.

When asked about Uncharted 3’s current data size Meyer stated:

Uncharted 2 barely made it to 25GB, while Naughty Dog is going over 50GB this time, for Uncharted 3. But in the end we’ll be under 50. We’ll be one disc.

Obviously, there is some serious compression that is still going to take place to ensure the game will ship one one disc this November.