Street Fighter X Tekken Vita Characters Could Be Coming to Consoles

Fighting fans have been salivating for Street Fighter X Tekken for quite a while now, and finally on March 6th, they’ll be able to play it for themselves. The PlayStation Vita version offers a bunch of exclusive characters that won’t initially be available on the console counterparts, but, Capcom has hinted that in due time, these characters will branch out beyond Sony’s handheld.

At the game’s official launch party in Los Angeles, Shacknews spoke with Capcom’s community manager Seth Killian about the game, where he suggested that the Vita characters will be coming to consoles eventually, saying “we’ll find a way to make sure that console fans are happy, as well.”

There’s a good chance that we’ll see these characters on the PlayStation Store in the not too distant future bundled in a character pack. Let’s just hope that Capcom offers the characters individually for a smaller fee so that we can pick and choose which ones we want.

It has recently been discovered that “DLC” characters for console versions of the game have actually been included on the disc. There’s a strong possibility that Capcom has already included all of these Vita characters on the PS3 retail disc with plans to charge gamers to unlock the content.

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