PlayStation Network Downtime Affecting North America Tomorrow

Contrary to a report earlier this week, it looks like North American gamers will also be affected by Thursday’s PSN downtime, as Sony takes some time to perform maintenance on the Network.

The outage will start at 8am PDT tomorrow and is scheduled to end around 11pm PDT that evening. This news comes from a post from Sony on its official PlayStation forums. According to the post, “as long as you have signed in to PSN within 5 days prior to the start of maintenance you WILL be able to play games online and enjoy apps such as Netflix, HULU Plus and Music Unlimited during this maintenance period.”

So obviously, if you plan on doing a bit of gaming tomorrow and haven’t signed on in a while, I suggest you get on that sooner rather than later. As previously reported, the downtime will also affect Europe, New Zealand, Ireland and Australia.



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