Motion Capture Actor Claims MGS5 Will Launch “Next Year Summer at the Earliest”

Silent Hill mo-cap actor Eric Bossic claims that motion capture work is currently being done for the next installment in the Metal Gear Solid franchise, adding that there’s still a lot of work to be done before its completion.

Speaking to Silent Haven, Bossic confirmed his involvement in the title, saying that the game is expected to launch sometime during the summer of 2013 at the earliest.

My past motion capture session was for an upcoming Metal Gear game, I will be back with Kojima again in the fall, and maybe other sessions. This title is a long way off.

I am working on a future metal gear, not to be released until next year summer at the earliest, if not later then that. Im doing motion capture only.

Bossic went on to add that he’s not lending his voice to the project and even he doesn’t know much about the game’s story. What he does know about the game’s plot he is sworn to secrecy on.

I can 100% say my voice will not be involved in this. I dont even know what the title is, they are all very secretive and sometimes even the scenes I act out I dont even know the full story, because they want to keep it secret.

I suppose it is fine to mention I am working on it, everybody knows Kojima is making something now, and I posted the photo on my page here with him. The only thing is that I cant ever answer any questions about it or talk about, not for sometime.

Let the anticipation begin.


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