Dungeon Defenders 2 Isn’t Planned on Current Gen Consoles, Might be on Next Gen Consoles if They fit the “Bill”

As a big fan of the first Dungeon Defenders (today’s the last day to get it free on PlayStation Plus), I was really excited to hear that a sequel, titled Dungeon Defenders II, was announced today.

Unfortunately, through further digging, I found that developers Trendy Entertainment wouldn’t be bringing DDII to current generation consoles. With the sequel becoming a free-to-play experience, they want to release “on platforms that allow consistent updates and cross-platform play.” There is hope though, as they continued by saying that if the “next generation consoles fit this bill, we would love to see Dungeon Defenders II released there as well.”

With Sony listening to the developers on PlayStation 4, consistent updates shouldn’t be a problem, but cross-platform play might be a little trickier, especially when Diablo III won’t even support it.

If at any point in the future we hear about Dungeon Defenders II making its way to a PlayStation system, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Is there a word to describe your sadness that Dungeon Defenders II isn’t planned for consoles right now? Let us know in the comments below.


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