Ask PSLS: Which PS4 Indie Title do you Want the Most?

Not wanting to be one-upped by Sony and them giving so much attention to the vast majority of indie titles headed to the PlayStation 4, we wanted to give them top-billing in this Ask PSLS: Which PS4 Indie Title Do You Want The Most?

Anthony Severino – We Would Like to Call Anthony Severino to the Stand (@Sev_Anthony)

The indie title I want the most is The Witness. I saw it at a behind-closed-doors presentation given by Jonathan Blow, and it looks incredibly interesting. The game communicates goals and objectives to you non-verbally and is an open world puzzle game. You don’t see a lot of that.

Chandler Wood – Outlast (@FinchStrife)

There are a slew of great indie titles coming to the PS4 that we know about and likely a whole bunch more that we don’t, and most, if not all of them, have me extremely excited. However, so as not to annoy Jason with breaking the rules of the question asking for a single indie title, I will say Outlast.  There’s a damn good reason that Dan and I decided to rearrange PSLS’ Best of E3 awards in order to accommodate Outlast after we both experienced the defenseless terror experienced from this game (and that was even playing at E3 with people all around!). So while I am looking forward to a ton of indies, the PS Plus free title Outlast is definitely top of the list.

Cameron Teague – Outwit (@Cameron_PSLS)

I love indie games on the PlayStation Network, but I also don’t play a ton of them. I guess you could say I love the idea of them more than I actually like to spend my time playing them. I guess I can go with Chandler though, because Outlast looked really cool and pretty dang scary.

Dan Oravasaari – Outplay (@FoolsJoker)

I agree with Chandler, the Manhandler.

Jason Dunning – Sole Survivor (@Jasonad21)

As a big fan of what Supergiant Games did with Bastion, I’d have to say that I’m most looking forward to Transistor. Since I wasn’t at E3 though, like other people here, I didn’t get a chance to put any hands-on time into any of these interesting looking games, so this choice is purely from a hands-off perspective.

Louis Edwards – Snuffed Out (@ftwrthtx)

With so many indies on the way for the PS4, picking one is no easy task. Outlast is looking like a great game, and I can see why Dan O and Chandler are getting wood over it.

Sebastian Moss – Hidden Idol (@SebMoss)

As someone trying to hide my true identity, I can’t help but be drawn to Octodad: Dadliest Catch. No one ever suspects a thing.

Which PS4 indie title do you want the most? Let us know in the comments below.