1/3 of all PlayStation Plus Subscriptions Ever Sold Through GameStop Were Done in the Last Week

Seeing as how PlayStation Plus is required for online multiplayer in most PS4 games, sales were bound to spike on November 15th when people went to buy their new systems.

In their recent investors call, GameStop President Tony Bartel revealed (via Seeking Alpha) that last week actually represented 1/3 of their total PlayStation Plus subscriptions sales to date:

We’re working very closely with Sony to make sure that we partner with them and giving them the consumer feedback and working closely to make sure that we have a great product there. But our associates, part of their training was to make sure that when people opened that product up or as people went to use it, they… had a great experience.

So what we saw is that when you look at the all of the PlayStation Plus subscriptions that we’ve sold in our lifetime as a company, and we’ve been selling them for years, the full 1/3 of all subscriptions we’ve sold in our lifetime were sold in the last 7 days at GameStop. So that shows you the strength of attach that was over 1/3 of the products went out with attach on that, and that’s growing daily as we have customers coming back into our stores on a daily basis to pick up PlayStation Plus.

If you haven’t picked up PlayStation Plus yet, or want to extend your membership by up to 2 more years, a 1 year subscription will be $29.99 on Black Friday in the United States.

When does your PlayStation Plus subscription end? Let us know in the comments below.


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