PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: December 14th & 15th, 2013 – We Have a Weiner Edition

Now that the PlayStation 4 has won November 2013 in North America, here’s what everyone is playing this weekend to celebrate:

Anthony Severino (@Sev_Anthony)

I’ll be playing Cut the Rope 2 for a review on GameRevolution, then some more Super Mario 3D World and likely some Ryse: Son of Rome. If I have company, I’ll fire up Madden NFL 25 on my PS4.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

Why, PS4 of course! The Resogun platinum has been calling my name, and with only three trophies to go, I think it could be mine this weekend. Assassin’s Creed IV multiplayer might be on the agenda, but with a glitch(?) preventing me from getting a social chest in single player for a trophy, Kenway and I aren’t on the best of terms right now, and I just might finally convince my wife to play LEGO Marvel with me because of it.

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

Since I just got Injustice as an early birthday gift, I’m probably going to spend some learning to not get my teeth kicked in on it. Past that, I’ll probably be drunk, which means I should really stay away from doing any live streams, as pants may or may not be a part of it.

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

This weekend I’ll spending time with family while gaming takes a backseat to real life.

Jason Dunning (@Jasonad21)

After last weekend was pretty boring, I suddenly find myself with Super Mario 3D World, Zelda 3DS, Tearway, Spelunkyand Super Crate Box. The hardest part will be deciding which game to play first!

Joseph Fait (@AcesHigh291)

I’ll be working the real life job. Real life is no fun.

Russell Ritchey (@RussellCRitchey)

I’ve a title for review, and then I’ll try to squeeze in some Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Like Heroin when possible.

Sebastian Moss (@SebMoss)

I was excited to play Doki Doki Universe, but after the mixed reviews, I’m not sure what to do with myself for two days.

What are you playing this weekend? Let us know in the comments below.

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