Don’t Expect an inFamous: Second Son Demo, Says Sucker Punch

In exactly two weeks from today, inFamous: Second Son will be released for the PS4, marking one of Sony’s big PS4 exclusives this year, which also includes DriveClub and The Order: 1886.

If you were on the fence about getting Second Son and a demo would have swayed you one way or the other though, the game’s Brand Development Director, Ken Schramm, basically shot down any notion of that happening (via Videogamer):

I don’t think we’re going to have a demo. It’s hard to have a demo with an open world game to be honest with you. You what, pick two missions out of the whole thing then you give them a little slice of the world, you gotta make all these walls? I don’t think [having a demo] does justice to an open-world game.

Of course, for those of you undecided about buying Second Son, there will be lots of live streams to check out after the game becomes available on the 21st.

Are you disappointed by the lack of a demo for Second Son, or were you going to buy it no matter what? Let us know in the comments below.