DICE Considering Early Access for Future Battlefield Games, Not Doing It From a “Business Standpoint”

Are you one of the many people who felt grief trying to play Battlefield 4 during its launch window? If so, you’ll be glad to know that DICE is considering a way to involve the gaming community in the development process via early access.

Speaking to Game Informer, DICE general manager Karl Magnus Troedsson mentioned that while the studio has nothing to announce, they are having discussions about early access for future Battlefield games, but it’s not being done from a business perspective.

We have nothing to announce, but we are having discussions when it comes to [early access]…It comes not from a business perspective, but more from a perspective of if it would help us have a stable launch of the game.

If such a thing would happen, players would be involved on how to proceed and most likely won’t be available to everyone.

We probably wouldn’t open the floodgates for everyone, but we might do it for geographical territories or people who bought the last game. Yes, it is something we are considering, not from a business standpoint, but from one of creating quality in our products.

Seeing how Battlefield 4 turned out, this should be a welcome addition by Battlefield fans if it ever happens.

Would you want to see this implemented at some point by DICE or has BF4 soured the franchise completely in your opinion?


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