Ask PSLS: Are You Regretting Your PS Vita Purchase?


Given recent developments where Sony has come out and said we can expect fewer first-party games and fewer big budget first-party games for the PlayStation Vita, along with their assertion that the handheld will be focusing more on indie games, third-party support, and Remote Play, we thought it would be a good time ask: Are You Regretting Your PS Vita Purchase?

Anthony Severino (@Sev_Anthony)

Sony gave me a PS Vita at release to review it, so I technically cannot regret owning it (they own it still), but I certainly am very disappointed with what the PlayStation Vita has turned out to be. Especially given how great the hardware itself is. They even fixed the piracy problem the PSP had, and yet they still can’t garner enough support to make the Vita a worthwhile investment beyond PS4 remote play – which is very, very cool. But not $250 cool.

Cameron Teague

I don’t regret it simply because there are still good Japanese games coming over, but I am highly disappointed in Sony’s view of the handheld and how badly they have mishandled it. The Vita was simply not given enough of a chance from Sony to succeed.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

I don’t regret it simply because my day one purchase of the device (actually got the week early release) showed my personal support and faith in the handheld, which I still give. While I am sad that it hasn’t seen the kind of support it deserves, I still want to show my support as the massive potential is there. It’s a bittersweet ownership. I love Remote Play with my PS4, and a lot of cross-buy and indie games will get most of their playtime on my Vita, but now that D’yani has a 3DS, I see all the flaws in the support that the Vita really needs to succeed, that it ultimately just doesn’t have. Pokemon Vita, please?

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

Not to sound like a broken record, but I too do not regret buying my Vita. I do think that Sony have epically dropped the ball when it comes to the handheld market, and I find it difficult to justify not letting it gather a layer of dust. This has also caused me to start eyeballing the 3DS, especially with Smash rounding the corner.

Jason Dunning (@Jasonad21)

I’m definitely disappointed by Sony’s lack of support for the Vita going forward, but I’m not regretting my purchase. Games like Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack, Guacamelee!, and Final Fantasy X HD have all been great experiences for me, and that stems from the ability to play them anywhere, anytime.

While I haven’t played my Vita much since Final Fantasy X HD, the current PlayStation Plus offering of Mutant Mudds Deluxe will change that soon enough, and with a PS+ backlog (which will grow by 2 games per month now) that includes Thomas Was Alone and Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath, I’ll have tons to play for the foreseeable future.

I still do wish there were some new Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, God of War, or games of similar stature to break up all these indie games though…

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

First party titles aren’t all that important to me. With the launch of the PS4, and the implementation of the Remote Play that PSP owners had envisioned years ago and never got, my PS Vita is getting more playtime than I had ever thought it would. It went from being something I played when I had some downtime while out and about, to being something I play PS4 games on when someone wants to watch TV. That is what we were told the PSP would do with PS3 games many, many, many moons ago, but never got.


I play my Vita literally every day. I’m disappointed at the lack of big blockbuster games, but there are still plenty of great games to play. I played P4G like a maniac. I played the original Ragnarok Odyssey to death (Ace is just as good too). I am currently playing Terraria to death. I even played through Peace Walker again. I am waiting breathlessly for Minecraft for Vita. Plus I have tons of games I haven’t even had time to get into. There may not be a ton of big AAA games,  but there is no lack of games to play on Vita. I’m looking forward to PS TV to be able to play even more Vita games.

I do regret not picking up the Borderlands bundle to get the new Vita 2000, does that count as regret? For the record, I have barely touched PS4 Remote Play. I am too busy playing Vita games.

Are you regretting your PS Vita purchase? Let everyone know in the comments below.


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