PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList: September 13 & 14, 2014 – Destiny Edition

Destiny just released. Can you guess what our weekends will all consist of?

Here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:

Alex Co (@excaliburps)

It’s going to be Destiny for me for the ENTIRE weekend! I’m at level 15 now and excited to reach level 20 before the weekend’s gone. I’m absolutely loving the game so far. And to think, I’ve just started the moon missions!

I’m sort of mixed with the PvP, its mechanics are solid enough, but the map designs aren’t the best I’ve seen. Regardless of that, the amount of content the game has is staggering for a $60 title.

Cameron Teague

I will be forcing my way through NHL and trying not to get mad at all the missing features in the game. Other than that, some Plants vs Zombies and MLB The Show.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

Destiny! Gotta join Dan in our fireteam and peruse that galaxy. Hey, what’s this delicious beverage D’yani just got for me?

D’yani Wood (@Dyani)

Well I would like to be playing Minecraft PS4 Edition, but I sacrifice that for the happiness of Chandler so he can play Destiny all weekend. Maybe I’ll slip him some roofies…

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

I will probably be joining one of the many Guardians perusing the galaxy in Destiny.

Louis Edwards (@ftwrthtx)

With my daughter’s band playing in West Sacramento tomorrow, gaming will take a back seat to family time. I may still manage to get some Destiny and Madden 15 in on Sunday, but with all that football to watch, maybe not.

Mark Labbe

I’m going to be playing Destiny all weekend, of course! My goal is to get past level 20 by Sunday!

Paulmichael Contreras

I might be going back to Diablo III, because it has been too long since I last played it. Might have another review game to get through, if the post office loves me (and it better!). I’ll also get back into several Android games I’ve been neglecting, because my Nexus 7 (2012) Wifi tablet died in the middle of a system software update, and Google was so kind as to ship me a replacement for free. Beyond that maybe some Warframe and Minecraft on the PC. Those rabbits are calling me!


Too busy playing Destiny to think about anything.

Zarmena Khan (@Zarmena)

It’s my current car’s first birthday and for the occasion, it’ll be undergoing a yearly inspection. I also renewed my insurance and made some other annual payments, which put such a dent on my bank account that I’ll be playing “cry baby” this weekend. Hopefully, I’ll be done moping by next Friday.

What do you think of Destiny so far? Is that what you’re playing this weekend?


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