PayDay 2 Devs Aren’t Worried About GTA and Hardline Popularity

Despite the success of GTA Heists and Battlefield Hardline, Overkill Software is apparently not worried about how PayDay 2: Crimewatch Edition will do on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One when it releases in June.

In an interview with VG24/7, Producer Almir Listo explained that even though GTA and Hardline are big titles, PayDay 2 has its own “community,” and its devs are learning from what [GTA and Hardline] did good and what they could have done better.

We’re not in a position any more where we have to be scared. We have our community and we know what they want and this just makes the heists genre more popular.

I’m looking forward to GTA Heists on PC and seeing what Hardline has got. From our perspective we just welcome the challenge. Any competition can only make our game better. We will of course play their games and have a lot of fun and we’ll learn from them, what they did good and what they could have done better.

What do you think of Overkill’s confidence in PayDay 2: Crimewatch Edition? Will you be getting a copy of the game in June?

[Source: VG247]


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