P.T. on Project Morpheus is Something Shuhei Yoshida Wants to See

Remember how scary that Silent Hills demo, P.T., was? Now, imagine playing it on Sony’s upcoming virtual reality device, Project Morpheus. Yikes!

Apparently, that is just the type of scary game Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios (SCE WWS) President Shuhei Yoshida would like to see on Project Morpheus when it hopefully releases next year. Yoshida mentioned to OPM UK that he wants “something really, really scary” on the virtual reality device.

Well, we always say to developers, ‘Don’t try to port your game—you need to approach it from the ground up for VR. That said, I’d personally like to see a game like P.T. working with Morpheus…something really, really scary.

Do you think you could handle playing P.T. on a VR device? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

[OPM UK via PSU]


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