Rocket League Servers Down, PS4 Overheating Workaround Revealed (Update)

Update 2 (July 10):

Follow along to the latest with Rocket League over here.


At 9:15am PT/12:15pm ET, Psyonix said, “We appear to have hit a bump in the road with the servers as we neared 100k players. Will update as soon as information is available.”

They added at 9:40am PT: “We have addressed a few issues with our database and servers are coming back online now. We are still working on increasing capacity in EU.”

At 10:34am PT, they said, “Servers are currently down while we address issues. We are prepping a hotfix patch for PS4 and Steam to deploy soon to improve stability.”

At 10:35am PT, they said, “To our community: THANK YOU for an amazing launch! In just 48 hrs, over 1.2 Million Players have already joined Rocket League! Incredible!”

12:30pm PT: “Hot Fix prep continues. Server downtime still TBD (we’re just waiting on a few things). Thanks for hanging in there.”

2:05pm PT: “HOT FIX Deployment Begins in 5 minutes. Servers will be down for up to 1 hour during this process. Thanks everyone!”

3;20pm PT: “Hot Fix deployed. Servers are now slowly coming back online over the next 15 minutes.”

Original Story:

Following the PlayStation Plus hug of death earlier this week for Rocket League, developer Psyonix announced late last night that the server status has improved, with more servers having been added to meet demand.

As a result of the issues, Psyonix said, “We know extended matchmaking is a pain. So we’re gonna make some kind of “Thanks for Not Killing Us” in-game items for everyone later.”

One major issue players discovered with Rocket League is that it caused their PS4 to overheat while sitting in the menus. Psyonix issued a statement about this, saying future patches will reduce fan noise:

We are aware of these reports and we are taking them very seriously. We have already taken measures to reduce fan noise in upcoming hot fixes and patches, and we are also investigating what kind of effect the excessive fan noise may have on the system itself. We’ll definitely keep everyone updated with what we find.

In the meantime, a user on Reddit posted a workaround that seems to do the trick:

Found out that when I pan the camera (right stick) to look top-down over the car, the change is INSTANT. The console calmed down and now I ain’t got no worries.

Looking at the future of Rocket League, Psyonix discussed the post-launch DLC:

“We will NEVER sell advantage in Rocket League. EVER.”

“New Maps will ALWAYS be free. Other DLC will be a mix of paid and free items depending on what it is.”

Additionally, they are looking at adding a Ranked 3v3 mode, though nothing is confirmed yet.

[Source: Rocket League (Twitter), Reddit, GimmeGimmeGames]

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