Rock Band 4 Update Lands Tomorrow, New Brutal Mode Cranks up Difficulty

Tomorrow, Harmonix will introduce Rock Band 4‘s toughest challenge yet — and you have no idea what’s coming. 

Designed to “put even the most hardcore players’ skills to the test,” the all new Brutal mode arrives as part of the game’s free December update. There’s also confirmation of score challenge features, full-combo recognition and a raft of bug fixes that address calibration issues and much more. 

As for the marquee new addition, according to Harmonix, Brutal mode monitors the performance of each player and adjusts the difficulty accordingly. For instance, notes will begin to fade away if you’re performing particularly well, while the game will come down more harshly on you for missing a beat. Yikes!

Rock Band 4‘s December update will be free to download from tomorrow, December 8. 

[Source: Harmonix (1), Harmonix (2)]


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