Stealth-Horror Adventure Game 2Dark Announced for PS4 & Xbox One

From Gloomywood Games, a studio led by Alone in the Dark’s Frédérick Raynal, 2Dark is a stealth-horror adventure game coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One in 2016, in addition to the previously announced PC/Mac versions.

Playing as former detective Mr. Smith in his quest to save his kidnapped children from the evil town of Gloomywood, 2Dark will have you avoiding sadistic serial killers and confronting the horrors in the shadows.

Raynal said:

Ever since Alone in the Dark I‘m following the evolution of survival horror. With 2Dark I wanted to break with the genre’s traditions so I thought, what is more frightening than risking your own life? Risking the life of your children of course. Although we initially planned to release the game solely on PC and Mac, thanks to the outpouring of community support and enthusiasm, we decided to also bring it to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 so that our fans can enjoy 2Dark on their favourite platform.

The developer added, 2Dark “will be fully optimized for each release platform – for the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 this means tailored controller support so players can fully immerse themselves into the adventure.”


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