Versus – The Division vs Destiny

It’s time once again for another Versus episode here on PlayStation LifeStyle! For this week’s episode we’re dealing with a big one; it’s time for Ubisoft’s The Division to go up against the PlayStation 4’s first “shared world shooter,” Destiny!

Bear in mind that we held off on doing this Versus entry since we wanted to see how The Division’s first raid panned out with the introduction of the Falcon Lost Incursion. And also, don’t forget that Destiny really only realized its potential when The Taken King expansion was released. 

Who wins in this showdown of online loot shooters? Go hit play in the video above to see our big The Division vs Destiny video, and of course, the winner.

Do you agree with our winner? We’re also going to set up a rematch episode once The Division’s Season Pass content has been released just to compare each one’s content in full.

Be sure to subscribe to PlayStation LifeStyle’s YouTube channel for more Versus episodes and the latest in game trailers.

Versus is PlayStation LifeStyle’s recurring video series where we we pit a game, franchise, basically anything game-related against another and pick a winner.

Essential Reading: