Destiny’s Trials of Osiris Cancelled This Weekend Due to Unlimited Rocket Glitch

Due to a glitch that’s allowed some Destiny players to earn unlimited rockets in the Crucible, Bungie has decided to cancel Trials of Osiris this weekend and delay Iron Banner until the issue is fixed.

As they explained in the latest This Week At Bungie:

When we learned that some Guardians had discovered a way to earn unlimited rockets, we knew it was time for a bug hunt. Rather than punish players for playing the game in a way we didn’t predict, we’ve been waging an investigation into our code. These things happen, so please don’t panic. We’re on the case – and we’ve slayed more dreaded bugs than these.

In the meantime, Trials of Osiris is cancelled for this weekend.

The thought of a Trials map being renamed “Rocket Town” sends a shiver up our spine. The esteemed Brother Vance will be ordered to stand down. Trials of Osiris will return of course – and that right soon – but we’re going to ensure that we can restore the Heavy economy to its usual balance.

Asked on Twitter if they could just remove Heavy Ammunition from Trials of Osiris altogether, Bungie’s DeeJ said, “This would require just as much patience and time (and testing) as a proper fix for the issue. No half-measures.”

Elsewhere in the weekly update, Bungie revealed that they’ve made some Crucible adjustments “to ensure that all players are able to find a high-quality match within a reasonable amount of time. The intended result is to shorten matchmaking times and reduce lag.”

Expect more Crucible improvements in the coming weeks and months.

On the Banhammer side of things, Bungie has “beefed up” their automated security measures to give restrictions to cheaters and players with consistently bad internet connections.

[Source: Bungie]


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