Here’s 22 Minutes of Rise of the Tomb Raider PS4 Gameplay in Endurance Mode

With Rise of the Tomb Raider confirmed for an October 11 release on PlayStation 4, IGN has uploaded a 22-minute gameplay video to show off the new version.

In the video, you’ll get a look at pre-beta footage from Endurance mode, a new online co-op expansion that lets you raid tombs in a brutal wildnerness with someone else. “Two players must team up to survive the harsh elements by day, as well as lethal threats from enemies by night,” the description of the mode adds. “Fire takes fuel, food restores health, and every resource must be hunted, collected, or crafted. Battle to the top of the leaderboards, as others try to beat your longest survival run.”

As announced earlier today, Rise of the Tomb Raider: 20 Year Celebration for PS4 also includes the new Blood Ties premium DLC, all previously released DLC for Xbox One and PC, the new Extreme Survivor difficulty, five classic Lara models, and more.

Over on Twitter, Wario64 compared the somewhat similar box arts for Rise of the Tomb Raider and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, and Naughty Dog’s Neil Druckmann offered up his own tweet on the box arts:


You can see a PS4 vs Xbox One vs PC comparison of Rise of the Tomb Raider over here.


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