Here’s 24 Minutes of Yooka-Laylee EGX 2016 Gameplay

UK’s biggest gaming event, EGX 2016, ends today but not without some fresh Yooka-Laylee gameplay! For those who couldn’t watch it, YouTube user LinkGamer2207 has kindly captured 24 minutes of the game for our viewing pleasure. The video was captured from a livestream so it might not be of the best quality but it gives you a fairly good idea of what to expect from the upcoming action-adventure platformer.

Back in June, Playtonic Games and Team 17 announced that they were delaying Yooka-Laylee to Q1 2017. Originally planned for October this year, the game apparently needed to be polished a little bit more, according to Creative Director Gavin Price who said at the time:

While we felt confident we could ship the game in October as originally planned, the team has decided that it would like to add a few extra months’ polish to our schedule.

What do our readers think of the gameplay?

[Source: LinkGamer2207 (YouTube)]