Trove Devs Working to Fix Critical Issues on PS4 & Xbox One (Update)


Update (January 6): A new Trove update will go live today on PS4 and Xbox One to “reduce the number of crashes happening in the beta.”

Original Story: Released in beta form on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One last month, free-to-play MMO Trove has received its first status update from the development team.

According to Executive Producer Andrew Krausnick, the team’s highest priority is working on a beta patch to fix the remaining critical issues experienced by players, such as crashes and disconnects. Once that’s done, they’ll begin working on the launch patch, which includes additional fixes, improvements to core User Interface systems like the inventory and loot collector, control improvements, performance improvements, and more.

Shortly after Trove releases later this year, there will be a patch that puts the console version in line with the PC version. You can expect this update to include the new Dino Tamer class, numerous game improvements, plenty of new content, and it gives the dev team the ability to run events and sales.

“After that, well, we have some big plans in the works coming to Trove in 2017 and we’re excited to start talking about that as well,” Krausnick added. “Thanks again for being a part of this beta and we look forward to getting into more details about these updates (and more!) very soon.”

[Source: Trion Worlds, Trove Game]


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