Prey Glitch Allows Players to Duplicate Materials, Create Unlimited Resources

Prey has only just released but people have already discovered a major glitch that allows them to duplicate materials and create unlimited resources.

According to YouTube user Captain Eggcellent (whose video we’ve embedded above), you can use the first Material Recycler that you encounter in Morgan Yu’s office, and put in the materials that you’ve already recycled before and want to duplicate. Then, split them up into piles of four inside the Recycler, hit the button, and you’re good to go! The video above does a great job of demonstrating how it works so check it out if you’re stuck.

The glitch is likely to get patched soon so you might want to try it out while it lasts, especially if you’re going for a second playthrough. Players have confirmed that it works on both PC and PlayStation 4, with some noting that they’re able to use the glitch even after update 1.01.

Are any of our readers currently playing Prey?

[Source: Polygon]


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