call of duty infinite warfare update 1.24 patch notes

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Update 1.19 Today Adds Two New Weapons

The new Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare update today on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC, version 1.19, adds two new weapons – Atlas (LMG) and Raijin-EMX (SMG) – while also adjusting weapons and fixing issues.

Here’s the full list of patch notes for update 1.19:

What’s New

  • New weapons: Atlas (LMG), Raijin-EMX (SMG)
  • New taunts, camos, emblems, calling cards

General Fixes

  • Various map fixes
  • Enabled Bugle audio gesture to be heard by teammates

Weapons adjustments:

  • G-Rail (base) and Vortex (common) – Extended damage ranges, making the base fire mode and charge shot more effective at long range G-Rail: Helix – Adjusted damage ranges to make the weapon more competitive at close range (if you are accurate)
  • G-Rail: Fusillade – Fixed an issue with camos not appearing properly
  • Stallion .44 – Slightly lowered akimbo rate of fire
  • Stallion .44: Peacekeeper – Adjusted the aim assist range to help with longer distance shooting
  • Fix for the Desert camouflage challenge not tracking progress properly with the Stallion .44
  • Proteus: Ice – The Glacial passive now has a slightly stronger effect


  • Shaolin Shuffle – Fix for an extreme graphical error that would occur when fighting the Rat King
  • Miscellaneous performance and bug fixes

If you don’t have the Season Pass, you’ll need to complete 20 matches where you got at least 10 kills using burst fire weapons to unlock the Raijin-EMX, and complete 20 matches where you got at least 10 kills using the Raijin-EMX to unlock the Atlas.

Looking at Black Ops 3 last year, the fourth DLC, Salvation, was fully detailed on August 25 and then released on September 6. If the timeline stays the same, we should hear about Infinite Warfare’s DLC 4 very soon.

[Source: Activision Blog, Reddit, Charlie Intel]