Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide: All Locations and Walkthroughs

Note: Most recently updated on September 10, 2017.

The Yakuza series is known for its huge amount of substories and side quests in each game and Yakuza Kiwami is no exception. Even if you played the original game to 100% completion there’s tons of new content here to see. Some substories have been tweaked, some have been removed, and there are some that are entirely new.

The guide below will help you find the location each of Yakuza Kiwami‘s substories, and give as spoiler-free a walkthrough as possible.

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Locations and Walkthroughs

1) The Price of an F Cup

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

On Pink St. North, you’ll meet a woman being harassed by a drunk. Scare him off and say yes when she asks you to go for drinks. Refuse any drinks offered to you and when given the choice say, “I don’t know you.” After saying no to drinking three times the barkeep will fight you. Beat him and his cronies down and choose not to take the money for the password to the secret casino in Kyushu No. 1.

2) My Baby’s a Show Girl

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: None

You’ll get a phone call shortly after starting chapter 6 asking you to come to the Asia Gentleman’s Club. Once you arrive at the club there’ll be a fight with an assassin and then you’ll have to head to the Park Boulevard Go Parlor. There’ll be another big fight there, and the story will be over.

3) Bet on the Champ

  • First Available: Chapter 7
  • Prerequisites: None

While walking with Haruka, go over to the Bantam bar to start this story. You’ll then need to go over to the Mahjong club and tell the man there the password: “I came to take shelter from the rain.” Once inside, fight the man waiting for you and this substory will be complete.

4) The Yakuza’s Wife

First Available: Chapter 13

Prerequisites: Must complete substory #6, The Fake Mizuki’s Truth first.

Head down into Purgatory’s Red-Light District to trigger this. Go to the Todo Building northeast of Theater Square and defeat the Yakuza inside to finish this mission.

5) A Doctor’s Duty

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: None

Near the West Park entrance, where you can enter Purgatory, you’ll find a boy. You’ll need to bring him a food item. After he eats he’ll move to Public Park 3. Talk to him there.

For the next part of the story you must wait until you are walking with Haruka in Chapter 7. Take her to Public Park 3. Run down Taihei Blvd. and you’ll get a cell phone call telling you to take to boy to the doctor which is on Tenkaichi Street. Once you deliver him there the story is over.

6) The Fake Mizuki’s Truth

  • First Available: Chapter 13
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to the Red-light District in Purgatory. Go to the right and follow the path all the way down to start the story. You’ll need to go to the Champion District and speak with a Solicitor then defeat a group of enemies to complete the mission.

7) Man on a Ledge

  • First Available: Chapter 11
  • Prerequisites: None

While walking with Haruka, head over to Park Boulevard midway up the eastside of the block where MEB is located. You’ll see a building under construction, go over to it and let the scene play out to complete this substory.

8) Molestation Accusation

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide

  • First available: Chapter 2
  • Prerequisites: None

Near theater square you’ll see a woman wandering around aimlessly. Bump into her and she’ll accuse you of being a pervert. Some thugs will come and try and extort money out of you. Refuse and fight them to complete this substory.

9) The Stalker

  • First Available: Chapter 10
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to the east side of Nakamichi Alley and speak with the woman near the corner. Take out her stalker and the Yakuza and you’ll complete this story.

10) Dine and Dash

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Near the beef bowl shop in the North of Tenkaichi Street you’ll run into a restaurant employee talking to a man. Bump into them and the man will make the excuse that he needs to go get his wallet before he can pay. He then runs off with no intention to settle his bill. You’ll be able to first find him across from the coin lockers and lottery stand behind a truck. He then runs over to in front of Smile Burger. His last location will be in Third Park. Once you find him there you’ll be transported back to the beef bowl shop and the story will be complete.

11) The Price of a Palm Reading

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Along Senryu Street you’ll ruin into a man who begs to read your palm. Agree to it and he’ll take you into a shop. Choose to pay for the Lifestone and when you exit the shop you’ll have to fight the big guy. Once you take him down you can find out where the palm reader went.

You’ll find the con-man just north of your location. Take him out and he’ll give you back your money and the story will be complete.

12) The Toll Collector

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

There’s a smaller road that connects Park Blvd. and Shichifuku Street to the south of West Park. The first time you pass it you’ll see that it’s blocked by a big, hostile looking man. Choose that you’d like to pass, and that you won’t pay. Fight him and you’ll complete this sub-story.

13) Pay It Forward

  • First available: Chapter 4 (Can’t complete until Chapter 5)
  • Prerequisites: Must gain access to Purgatory in Chapter 5 to complete. Must complete “The Toll Collector” to access one of the objectives in this sub-story.

In Third Park you’ll find an old man that is out of Sake. Buy one for him at one of the convenience stores and choose to have a drink with him. In return he’ll give you an Old Coat. Head south of Beam on Pink St. North and you’ll find a homeless man with a jacket full of holes. Give him the Old Coat and he’ll give you a pair of Glasses. Give the glasses to the man outside the Shine club and he’ll give you a roll of Enforced Tape.

Now you’ll have to wait until you get access to Purgatory in Chapter 5. Once you do, you can give the tape to a homeless man and he’ll give you a Silver Attache Case. Take the case to the man in the alley that the Toll Collector was guarding and get him to tell you his story. Once he does, give him the case to complete this mission.

14) The Yakuza Hater

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Near the park by the Pocket Circuit Stadium you’ll find a man who asks you if you’re a Yakuza, then attacks you. Beat him down, then beat down the henchmen who come to assail him and you’ll complete this story.

15) The Bouncer

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Between Pink and Nakamichi Streets, you’ll find a small club on Showa Street with a woman out front. She’ll tell you about her issues with ruffians. Agree to stand watch and beat down the men who show up. Tell them you’re the bouncer for the club and they’ll run off and this mission will be complete.

16) Collection Call

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

The first time you walk near the Vincent bar on Park Blvd. you’ll get a call on your cell phone saying you owe them money for a loan you took out. Tell them you’ll pay and they’ll send someone to West Park. Meet the man there, tell him you won’t pay and then fight him. Once you win this mission is complete.

17) Bump & Scam

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Finish “Molestation Accusation” side quest.

North of Theater Ave. on Nanafuku St. you’ll see three hoodlums walking around. Bump into them, then refuse to pay. Beat them up, and this mission will be over.

18) Bump & Scam: Revenge

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Finish “Bump & Scam” sub-story.

You’ll find the same crew trying to pull the same scam from the last mission in the same place. Bump into them and fight them to complete this side story.

19) Bump & Scam: Three Strikes

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Finish “Bump & Scam: Revenge” mission

Again, the same guys are causing the same trouble on the same patch of road. Beat some sense into them to complete this story.

20) Bump & Scam: Epilogue

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Finish: “Bump & Scam: Three Strikes” story.

Once last time you’ll have to take on these jokers in the same area. Take them out one last time to complete this sub-story once and for all.

21) Con-tacts

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

In the eastern part of the road the pawn shop is located you’ll see a man combing around the ground like he’s looking for something. Walk near him and you’ll hear a crack. He’ll accuse you of stepping on his contacts and demand a cash payout. Tell him no and you’ll have to fight him. He’ll run off for now. Leave the area for a bit and come back to the same place you found him before and fight him a second time to complete this story.

22) The Little Match Girl

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Beat “Con-tacts” to trigger her appearance.

Between Pink St. and Senryu St. on the extreme southern edge of the map you’ll find a girl selling matches. Buy some for 100 yen and then leave the area. Come back later and you’ll see the same girl acting weird. She’ll ask you to watch her matches while she uses the bathroom. Choose to help sell the matches while she’s gone and when she comes back go do something else for a bit. To complete this story arc, head over to Public Park 3 and you’ll find her sitting on a bench. Talk to her and you’ll get a small present and this mission will be over.

23) The Crane Game

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Head to the Club Sega on Nakamichi St. and you’ll meet a man in front of the UFO Catcher who’s having a hard time. He asks you to use the UFO Catcher to get him a white Bun-chan bird toy. If this toy doesn’t appear in the machines, just ask the man at the counter to switch the toys out. You can do this as much as you need to until what you need is in the UFO Catcher.

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide

Once you get him the bird, leave the arcade and come back in. He’ll ask you to get him the Woo Fam axotls next.Get him Woo-Kun, Papa Woo, and Woo Mama, and then leave the arcade again


Return to the arcade and he’ll ask you for one last toy: a Jumbo Chestnut squirrel. This was a hard one for me to get and I had to have the attendant change out the toys quite a few times before it popped up. It looks like a blue squirrel mated with a Pikachu and it’s bigger than the standard Chestnut figures.

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide

Once you get the man a Jumbo Chestnut, head outside and you’ll see a Yakuza harassing him. Beat up the Yakuza and this mission will be complete.

24) Prodigal Son

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete “The Toll Collector” substory.

On the street east of the small block that MEB is located on you’ll find a homeless man. When you talk to him he’ll confuse Kiryu for his son. Go along with it and he’ll ask you to meet him in the park near the Pocket Circuit Stadium.

When you get there you’ll run into a man who tells you that Gen was attacked in the Champion District. Head there and you’ll find him in the northwest corner. Talk to him and he’ll tell you that the goons who attacked him headed towards West Park. Head up there and beat them senseless. Come back to where you found Gen and talk to the homeless man there to complete this mission.

25) Bowling Battle

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to the bowling alley and talk to the man beside the front desk. He’ll challenge you to a bowling match. He’s a tough one, but he does make mistakes and it seems as though his difficulty decreases the more you bowl against him. Beat him to finish up the story.

26) The Drunkard

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Near Serena, on the east side of Tenkaichi, you’ll find a drunk lying on the ground near the corner of the street. He’ll ask for some booze of any kind. Give it to him and leave for a while. Come back and he’ll ask for Scotch Whiskey. Leave again for a while and he’ll be sick and ask for a Staminan X. Hand it over and this story will be over.

27) Handbag Hunt

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

On the south side of Taihei Boulevard, across from Millennium Tower, there will be a woman in a gray coat. Run into her and she’ll tell you she lost her white bag near Theater Square. Go over there and look for a man to talk to. He’ll tell you to head over to Public Park 3, and when you get there you’ll need to fight him. Return to the woman to complete the mission.

28) Under Suspicion

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Just south of Theater Square you’ll find a man on the east side on the sidewalk acting shifty. Approach him and he’ll ask you to do him a favor. Tell him you’ll do it and he’ll send you up to Theater Square with the description of a woman and a phrase to tell her: You are very sexy.

When you get to Theater Square you’ll find three women. Pick the one that fit the man’s description to get the package the man wants. For bonus fun, pick the two wrong women first, there’s no way to fail so there’s nothing to lose. Don’t peek inside the bag if you want the full amount the man gives as a reward. Take it back to him to complete the mission.

29) The Heart of Vandalism

  • First Available:Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: None

On the westernmost part of Theater Square Alley, south of the arcade you’ll find a man by a shop looking at a sign. He’ll ask you to help find the people spraying graffiti on his sign. Leave the area for a short while and then return and confront the vandal. Chase him down and fight him and his Yakuza friends. Head back to the shop to tie things up.

30) The Yakuza’s Apprentice

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

On the east side of Senryu Street you’ll find a man named Kano. He’ll fight you then ask to be your apprentice. Say you don’t mind and meet him again near the Champion District.

Follow Kano to Shellac and then talk to the owner. Be nice and when the Yakuza show up, tell them to beat it and then fight them. Once you’ve won this sub-story is over.

31) The Yakuza’s Apprentice II

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete “The Yakuza’s Apprentice.”

You can find Kano again near the Yoshida Batting Center. He’ll have a harebrained scheme and you’ll have to run east and meet with him again. When given the chance while talking to him, agree, and then tell the Yakuza to let him go. Fight them and your mission is complete.

32) The Yakuza’s Apprentice III

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete “The Yakuza’s Apprentice II.”

Just north of Beam on Pink Street you’ll find Kano again. He has a scheme to collect on overdue loans, from a woman in a red dress that happens to be exceedingly fast. Get close to her and she’ll take off. Follow her to the parking lot and fight her. The Rush-style is the best to use here. Knock her down and she’ll take off again. Follow her to the enclosed alley east of the southern entrance into the Champion District. Fight her and knock her down again and Yakuza will show up. Fight them and this story is over.

33) The Yakuza’s Apprentice IV

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete “The Yakuza’s Apprentice III.”

Find Kano again on Taihei Street and he’ll tell you he’s got a real Yakuza job. He’ll run off and you’ll run into him again near the Poppo Market on Nakamichi Street. Tell him you’ll help him out and follow him. Fight the Yakuza and let Kano off the hook to end this quest-line.

34) Man Scout

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

On Showa Street East, near the entertainment location, you’ll find a man in a suit. Speak with him and he’ll ask you for 10,000 for the opportunity to train as a male model. You’ll be wisked to an interview with the head of the modeling agency. Answer the questions with the below answers to get the best outcome.

  1. My manly and beautiful physique
  2. I worked in debt collection
  3. Tachibana

Once you leave the interview, walk around a while and you’ll get a phone call. Meet the talent scout at Millennium Tower for your reward.

35) The Truth About Beauty

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

South of the pharmacy there’s an area between two blocks that forms a small square path. There you’ll find a woman who you can approach and talk with. She’ll ask you if you want to hang out. Say yes and you’ll be in front of a hotel. Say no to her advances and her brother will show up.

You’ll have to fight her brother and you’ll find out that she was actually a man in disguise and her brother is actually her sister. You’ll then have to fight her, and after you win that fight this confusing mission is over.

36) Professional Brawler

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

In the parking lot in west Nanafuku Street you’ll find a big brawler. He’ll challenge you and put a chunk of money on the line against anyone that can get him to say he’s gives up. Beat him down and he’ll try to renege on the bet. Tell him you refuse to let him off the hook and beat him and his cronies. Once they go down this sub-story is over.

37) Gang Busters

  • First Available: Chapter 10
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to the Hotel District at the northwest corner of the small block containing MEB. You’ll meet a group calling themselves the Gangbusters. Take them out, then head to the south entrance of the Champion District. You’ll encounter the Gangbusters again, and you’ll fight them. Go to Theater Square after the fight and talk to Aoki, then head to South Showa Street. After the scene there, go to the Hotel District one last time to complete this substory.

38) Pickpocket Pursuit

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

North of Millennium Tower on Nanafuku Street you’ll find a man standing. Bump into him and he’ll apologize. When he runs off Kiryu will realize he’s been robbed. Head after him and once you find him he’ll run off again to the north. Find him again and he’ll head east. Catch him one last time and fight him and you’ll win this mission.

39) Kyoka and Takashi

  • First Available: Chapter 7
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to Park Boulevard, just west of West Park, and speak with the gentleman near the vending machines. Say you’ll help find the person he’s looking for and go to Debolah in Theater Square. When you get there you’ll be told the B-Kings want a Tuna and Egg Sandwich. If you don’t have one on you, head north to M Store and grab one. After that, go to the batting cages and give Takshi the bowls, then return the ring to finish this one up.

40) The Medicine Goes Down

  • First Available: Chapter 7
  • Prerequisites: None

Go down to the portion of Senryo Street that runs east to west near the southeast corner of the map. You’ll find an man in front of a car that needs his medicine that was stolen. Go to Theater Square and talk to the two men wearing red sweatsuits. Beat them up and get the man’s medicine and take it back to him to finish this substory.

41) The B-Kings Misfortune

  • First Available: Chapter 7
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to Theater Square and talk to the B-King there. Take out the Yakuza who show up to end this story.

42) The Cell Phone Plan

  • First Available: Chapter 5
  • Prerequisites: None

When you get control of Kiryu in chapter 5 you can go to the small, square passage off of Tenkaichi Alley to find a dead guy. You’ll take his phone and you’ll get a call as you leave the alley. The caller will instruct you to head to a bar to get a Locker Key. From there, just follow the “!” markers on your map until you reach the Batting Center. Once there defeat your enemy and this quest will be over. Of note, the amulet you get from this quest will come in handy in a later side quest, hang onto it.

43) Yakuza on the Run

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: None

On the west side of Nakamichi Alley you’ll find a man wearing a suit running around. Talk to him and you’ll begin the story. Beat the guy down and he’ll give you a locker key. Go to the lockers by Millennium Tower and open J5 with the key. A Yakuza will show up, fight him to finish this substory.

44) Bad Boy in Blue

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to the middle section of Pink Alley and talk to the cop there. After that, go over to Nakamichi Street and beat him up to end this mission.

45) Of Luck and Debt

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Have access to the hidden casino.

Go to Shellac and have a few drinks. Exit the bar and come in and this substory should trigger. Once it does head over to the hidden casino at the ramen joint. In the casino talk to the guy standing by the wall. He’ll ask you for a Goddess of Children amulet. If you’ve completed substory #42 (and you held onto it) you should already have one. Head back to the bar to complete this substory.

46) The Last Assassin

  • First Available: Chapter 13
  • Prerequisites: Complete every other substory and learn all Dragon-style skills.

Once you’ve met the requirements for this quest, go to Theater Square and speak with the guy there to start the hardest battle of the game.

47) Crisis on the Crapper

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

In the park near the Pocket Circuit Stadium investigate the bathrooms. You’ll hear a man being overwhelmed by toilet problems. He’ll ask for some tissue to help out. Go to the nearest convenience store and buy six packs of tissue and return. He’ll take one pack, then ask for two, then ask for three. Give them all to him and you’ll finish this sub-story.

48) Memories of the Bubble

  • First Available: Chapter 5
  • Prerequisites: None

Head to the Debolah dance club and head into the large room containing the dance floor. A girl will ask you about the bubble economy era of Japanese society. Give her these three answers to proceed:

  1. We waved 10,000 yen bills
  2. Leg Lads
  3. Bodycon Dresses and Fans

After you finish talking to her you’ll have to go over to Don Quijote and buy a Bodycon Dress and Isobe Fan. Take them back to the girl at Debolah to complete the story.

49) The Rumored Party

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: None

Go over to Stardust and attempt to open the door near the entrance. After that talk to Kazuki and then the patrons of the club and where the party is. Go to Debolah and talk to everyone you can to learn about someone named Guru. You’ll then need to fight him to finish up the story.

50) Searching for the Present

  • First Available: Chapter 7
  • Prerequisites: None

While walking with Haruka go to the small park by the Pocket Circuit Stadium. After the scene there you’ll need to head over to the arcade and win an item from the UFO Catcher machine. Go to the Pocket Circuit Stadium and talk to the Pocket Circuit fighter. You’ll have to race him and win to get a present. Go across from Public Park 3 to the vending machine and buy the magazine. Leave the area and then come back to complete the story.

51) Bad Ass Dads

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: None

Find the girl next to the water fountain in Purgatory and talk to her to begin the story. She’ll ask you a series of questions. Answer them and you’ll complete the quest.

52) The Value of 2000 Yen

  • First Available: Chapter 5
  • Prerequisites: None

Head to Vincent bar and talk to the man sitting at the bar. He wants five 2,000 yen bills. Look on the map and they’ll be marked with a “!.” The catch is you have to return to the man at Vincent after getting each bill, so don’t plan on zooming around town and getting them all in one go.

53) MesuKing: The Queen of Beetles


  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Near the Club Sega on Nakamichi Street you’ll notice a red glittering on the ground. Examine it and you’ll find a MesuKing card. When you do, a kid will run up and talk about losing his new MesuKing card. Give it to him and he’ll explain the MesuKing card game to you and the substory will be complete.

54) A Goodbye Promise

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Reach Rank A with Yui at JeweL

You’ll have to visit Yui at JeweL until you reach Rank A relationship status with her. She’ll ask you to go on a date via text. Meet her and go on the date to complete the mission.

55) Freedom to Romance

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Reach Rank A with Rina at Shine

This substory will be available once you reach Rank A relationship status with Rina. You’ll get a text to meet Rina at a cafe. Head there and then go to Millennium Tower and beat down the guy there to finish up the quest.

56) The Fighter’s Successor

Yakuza Kiwami Substories Guide

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: None

Near the Pocket Circuit Stadium you’ll run into the Pocket Circuit Fighter from Yakuza 0. He’ll explain he’s about to get married and needs a successor to continue to announce Pocket Circuit races. He’ll suggest you go find Hideki-kun, so head over to Club Sega and speak with him. Hideki will say you should find Takuma-kun and ask him to be the Next-Generation Pocket Circuit Fighter.

On the way to find Takuma, Kiryu and Hideki will run into Mika-chan and Hideki will challenge Kiryu to a Pocket Circuit race in a fit of jealousy. At this point I just bit the bullet and beat all the Pocket Circuit races to unlock the best parts. I beat Hideki with the following setup:

  • Tires: Extra Low Profile Tires
  • Frame: Metal Frame Plus
  • Motor: Speed Motor Plus
  • Gears: Extra Balanced Gears
  • Battery: Regular Battery

After you win the race Hideki reveals Takuma’s location. After some talking, Kiryu decides to head back to the Pocket Circuit Stadium. Takuma shows up and challenges you to a race. The following setup is what I used to beat him.

  • Tires: Ultra Low Profile Tires
  • Frame: Ultra Metal Frame
  • Motor: Ultra Godspeed Motor
  • Gears: Ultra Boost Gears
  • Battery: Regular Battery
  • Suspension: Heavy Suspension
  • Bumper: Bumper Plate

After you win this race, there will be a cutscene and you will get the notification this substrory is at its end.

57) Behind the Assassin

  • First Available: Chapter 13
  • Prerequisites: None

Talk to the man by the wall on Taihei Blvd. West. He’ll fight you and then you’ll have to go to the Underground Red-light District in Purgatory. Fight the guys to finish the story.

58) In Pursuit of Pleasure

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: None

Go to Taihei Blvd. East just before the block that contains the south entrance to the Champion District. You’ll find a woman and a man arguing. Intervene and you’ll have to fight the man. After the fight you’ll meet Shinohara, who will want to go to the Korean BBQ restaurant. Head there and then to JeweL. You’ll then need to take Shinohara to the Coliseum in Purgatory. Fight Shinohara in the Coliseum to wrap up this story.

59) Komaki Style: Shot Stopper

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: None

Talk to Komaki by the fountain in Purgatory and complete the training to finish this quest.

60) Komaki Style: Swordsmanship

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: Must complete substory #59 and have a Wooden Katana.

With a Wooden Katana in your inventory (purchasable at the Pawn Shop), talk to Komaki and complete the training.

61) Komaki Style: Roundhouse Attack

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #60

Talk to Komaki by the fountain and complete the training.

62) Komaki Style: Cat-Like Reflexes

  • First Available: Chapter 6
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #61 and have the Image of the Cat from the Underground Arena.

Give Komaki the Image of the Cat and complete the training tutorial.

63) Komaki’s Training: Clear-Minded Mystery

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #62 and have the Image of the Snake from the Underground Coliseum.

Hand the Image of the Snake to Komaki and complete his training.

64) Komaki’s Training: Evade and Strike

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #63 and purchase the Image of the Kamaitachi from the Coliseum prize list.

Give Komaki the Image of the Kamaitachi and practice the move in training.

65) Komaki’s Training: Dharma Tumbler

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #64 and get the Image of the Dharma from the Coliseum

Present the Image of the Dharma to Komaki and perform the training.

66) Komaki’s Training: Fist Reversal

First Available: Chapter 8

  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #65 and purchase the Image of the Four Gods from the Underground Coliseum.

Give Komaki the Image of the Four Gods and follow his instructions.

67) Komaki’s Training: Knock Back

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #66 and get the Image of the Elephant from the Coliseum

Hand over the Image of the Elephant to Komaki and follow the tutorial.

68) Komaki’s Training: Tiger Drop

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #67 and get the Image of the Tiger from the Coliseum

Give the Image of the Tiger to Komaki and complete the training.

69) Komaki’s Training: Parry

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #68 and get the Image of the Dragon from the Coliseum

Give Komaki the Image of the Dragon to get your final training.

70) Practice Match With Professor

  • First available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete “MesuKing: The Queen of Beetles” substory.

In the Club Sega on Nakamichi Street you can find the kid who described MesuKing to you earlier. He’ll give you some cards and teach you how to play the game. Beat him and you’ll finish the mission.

71) First Rival

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #70

Talk to the MesuKing Professor at the Club Sega on Nakamichi Street and ask to battle against someone else. This kid uses rock every single time, so just use paper to win.

72) Private Lesson

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #71

If you’ve collected enough MesuKing Cards you can return to Professor MesuKing and take on another opponent. To beat this kid just use Paper and then Scissors.

73) As Long as There is Love

  • First Available: Chapter 4
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #72 and you must have a “Bee” card, like Paper Wasp

Talk to Professor MesuKing and fight the next opponent. Her Scissor attack is strong, so you’re better off just spamming Rock until you win.

74) Time for a Raid

First Available: Chapter 4

Prerequisites: Must complete substory #73

Talk to the MesuKing Professor and ask for another opponent. You’ll have to head to the other Club Sega in Theater Square and talk to Tomohiro. He uses a lot of Scissor attacks so spam Rock to win.

75) The Professor’s Past

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #74

Talk to the MesuKing Professor and play against the cocky kid. Use Rock, Scissors, Rock, Scissors, Scissors to win.

76) The Professor’s Past 2

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #75

Head to the Theater Square Club Sega and talk to Hime. Use Scissors, Scissors, Rock to win the showdown.

77) Enjoying it With Everyone

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #76

Go to the Club Sega on Nakaimichi Streets and take on Masashi. You can use Paper, Scissors, Paper, Scissors, to win the match.

78) Battle for the MesuKing Throne

  • First Available: Chapter 8
  • Prerequisites: Complete substory #77

Talk to the MesuKing Professor and choose “Battle Seriously with the Professor.” You can use Scissors, Paper, Scissors, to beat him.

Make sure to check out our guide for Majima locations and strategy.