Minecraft story mode season 2 episode 3

Minecraft: Season Two’s Third Episode Gets New Details

More details have been revealed about Minecraft: Story mode – Season Two’s third episode, titled “Jailhouse Block,” and it looks like players will have to figure out how to escape from a prison server if they want to continue the story.

In a recent blog post regarding the upcoming episode, Telltale teased that while the players might find themselves in prison, a prison server is rarely just a jail. Instead, it is a place for players to figure out specific rules and challenges in order to escape. If players can’t figure out how to get out and choose to leave, the developers boast that a “maze of bedrock” and creatures that are “special horrible creations” await the player.

More from Telltale on the Jailhouse Block:

We had a lot of fun creating the inmate characters. They had to be real misfits, players who really don’t jibe with the Admin’s vision. Players who narrate their own lives in the third person, players who go to great lengths to hide their favorite pets. Maybe they’re a little weird, but don’t they deserve the play the game just like everybody else? The Admin doesn’t think so.

Maybe Jesse can do something about it. Y’know, once Jesse figures out how to get out of this place. No biggie. Guess we’ll find out when episode three premieres tomorrow.

Minecraft: Story Mode – Season Two returns tomorrow with Jailhouse Block.