Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy Review – Check the Mission Board (PS Vita)

While there are numerous casual and hardcore RPGs out for the PlayStation Vita, it’s somewhat rare to find a game that caters to fans of either sub-genres. Personally, I am more partial to hardcore RPGs, which is why I spent so many hours playing Dragon Age: Inquisition and gave it such a high score in my review. At the same time, however, I like to play casual games late at night, as a way to sort of wind down for the day. That’s why I was delighted to find that Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy allowed me to get in all that intense RPG goodness; but at the same time allow me to relax while I play.


Before you think I’m crazy or something of the sort, let me explain. Unsigned Legacy begins by having the player choose one of four different characters. There is the bulky Mask, the tech-savvy Ashta, the quick-on-his-feet Acress and the ranged warrior Haul. Essentially, choosing a character boils down to choosing a class — would you rather be a warrior, a mage, a rogue, or a ranger? Each character has vastly different moves and personalities, so be sure to choose wisely!

After picking a character and moving through the beginning of the game, a story begins to unfold. Basically, there are these bad guys and they need to be destroyed. There is nothing notable in terms of the tale — it’s simplistic and generic. That’s okay, though, because the way that the game’s levels are laid out would actually make having a great story impossible, anyway. 

Fantasy Hero Review 3

Unsigned Legacy is mission-based, meaning that, similar to Monster Hunter, players go up to a quest board and choose from a myriad of different missions. There are story missions, side missions, and DLC missions. Each is practically the same thing — kill X number of monster, or escort some moron somewhere, or collect some items. Although simple and repetitive, the missions are fairly quick (only several minutes long), which greatly appealed to that casual gamer side in me.  

The short missions ensures that players can at least get through a few in every sitting, or can even get through a few while waiting in a doctor’s office or waiting for a train. Each mission can be replayed an unlimited amount of times, which can be great for either gaining experience or gather supplies.

Better Weapons Equal More Kills

Both supplies and experience are incredibly useful in Unsigned Legacy, and it is here that the game shows its hardcore RPG side. Each character has a huge amount of unique skills that players can choose from. Skills can be unlocked upon leveling up, as each level grants one skill point. Haul, who chose I played as, has dual pistols, and has a number of abilities that allow him to shoot different type of ammo out of them. I was able to shoot bullets that freeze enemies, bullets that poison them, and even bullets that light them on fire. On top of that, I unlocked the ability to fly and the ability to snipe enemies from far away, and yet, there are still so many more skills I have yet to unlock.

Besides allowing for numerous skill enhancements and abilities, Unsigned Legacy also gives players the opportunity to create, enhance, and upgrade their weapons. Once again in a similar fashion to Monster Hunter, players are only allowed to purchase bare-bones weapons — that is, weapons that have not been upgraded or enhanced. Players then need to find supplies by either killing monsters, opening treasure chests, or completing missions to turn their terrible weapons into deadly ones. 

Weapons can either be enhanced, which means they give players a bonus to speed, health, etc…, or they can be upgraded, which changes them into something entirely new and different. Upgrading a weapon greatly increases the general amount of damage it can do, adds in elemental damage (sometimes), and even changes the way the weapon looks. Upgrading your weapon is essential to progressing in the game, and sometimes it’s a good idea to replay missions a few times to gather enough supplies to make your weapons into a powerhouse.

Slice ‘n’ Dice Baddies

Speaking of weapons, combat in the RPG is incredibly fun. It is fast-paced and even hectic at times, as fairly large groups of enemies can be known to swarm your character all at once. Like the action RPG that it is, the key to combat is usually button mashing, although correctly and strategically using certain abilities can sometimes turn the whole course of battle.

Fantasy Hero Review

I found that enemies generally deal copious amounts of damage, and that even enemies that were several levels below me would deal more damage to me than I would deal to them. This made boss battles incredibly difficult, as my character also would get wiped out in one hit, and it made it necessary for me to carry large amounts of health potions with me during every mission. Despite the fact that enemy damage seemed unfairly high at times, combat is clearly the highlight of the game, and is incredibly fun.

Overall, Fantasy Hero: Unsigned Legacy is a fun and enjoyable game. While it does get old fairly quickly due to its lack of a compelling narrative and its repetitive missions, the number of skills to level-up and the number of weapon upgrades to choose from keeps the game entertaining. Both casual gamers and hardcore RPG fans can play this title, and anyone with a few minutes to spare can bang out at least one or two missions. For the price ($14.99), I recommend you pick this title up.

Review copy was provided by the publisher. For information on scoring, please read our Review Policy here.

  • Fun, fast-paced action
  • Very replayable
  • Lots of skills to level up
  • Missions are very repetitive
  • Story is lacking