PSLS Site Review – Tell Us What You Hate, What You Love

With 2013 having come to a close, it’s time to look back, take stock and see how we did. Of course, we can hardly judge ourselves fairly, so we need you.

Tell us everything you liked about our coverage of 2013, from our breaking news, to Morning Wood, Daily Reaction, The Catch-Up, Bad Gamers and more. But, more importantly, tell us what you didn’t like.

Some things we can’t change – we currently don’t have the budget for a radical site redesign, and some ads we need to keep to stay alive. However, we shouldn’t ever have intrusive ads, so if that ever happens, let me know immediately at

Some things we don’t want to change – sometimes people tell us to only report on positive Sony news as ‘they need the help’, but that’s something we’ll never do. We have a commitment to unbiased news coverage that we will adhere to until we close.

Some things we want to change, but will take time – for example, there has been a growing interest in PSLS streaming games, all I can say on that one is ‘watch this space’.

What we really want is your honest feedback on how we did, feedback on our best and worst features, and to hear anything you want us to add, including areas you don’t think we cover enough.

Hopefully, over the course of 2014, we can make PSLS the perfect destination for all things PlayStation. I don’t know if we’ll manage it, but I can promise you we’ll try as hard as we can.