StalkingSilence & Whoelse join Sev1512 & Chris Rah Osiris to Make History

Please welcome our 2 newest team members.

I wanted to take the time to make a post about our 2 most recently added team members.   Both of which are very well respected members of the PlayStation Community, and its a pleasure to be able to work with such talented individuals.  Please welcome StalkingSilence, and Whoelse to sev1512.wordpress.  You may recognize them from Official PS Forums, N4G, and various sites around the net.

I want to personally thank Stalking Silence and Whoelse for joining our team.  Chris Rah Osiris and myself, have been doing great thus far.  But with the addition of new members will bring us to new heights.

Also, Thank you readers for welcoming our 2 new team members with open arms.

You can all look forward to more EXCLUSIVE content from here on out, on top of our usual editorials, and inside news info.