Bionic Commando: Rearmed Next Week

Written by Chris Rah Osiris
Coming to PSN next week. Sorta
Coming to PSN next week. Sorta

Capcom has made another post on the Official Blog. Here is a brief listing of what was said.

  • Bionic Commando: Rearmed will be $9.99
  • The release date: August 14th
  • BC:R supports remote play
  • Co-op mode is offline
  • Capcom is working on trophy support. (*rejoicing*)
  • A BC:R theme will be hitting the store next week as well
  • Last and not least: there will be a demo

So there you have it. BC:R is coming after a few delays. I haven’t lost my excitement for the title. Plus, the developer did let me wear that cool arm. I think I can give them $9.99 for that alone. 😉

Are you getting it?