LittleBigPlanet EDAM Patch Is Live

Written by Joseph 
Enjoy a slice of EDAM
Enjoy a slice of EDAM

For those of you that don’t know, the EDAM patch for Little Big Planet is now live.  There have been many things that have been fixed. List follows:

  • ‘Failed to save profile’ message not being displayed when a user’s profile is full.
  • Object Capture Bug: switch connectors being deleted when an object is captured.
  • ‘Failed to load profile’ issue: where the user is thrown out to the XMB due to a texture that is not registered in their profile being present in their pod.
  • Text not displaying in the text chat window.
  • Slow rewind due to moderation check.
  • Save file corruption which caused the game to crash when placing any object in an emitter in any level.

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