GameStop Delivers Uncharted at Lower Fortune and Free Shipping


Uncharted 2: Among Thieves debuted only days ago, and shot into the gaming scene like a cannon. The widespread success of Uncharted 2 has given the series an enormous amount of attention which many fans feel it deserves. When the first title was released back in 2007, many were surprised at how underappreciated it was. Now that millions have enjoyed the second in the series created by the masterminds at Naughty Dog, many have been seeking to play the first game as well.

For the next few days, GameStop is selling Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune at 10% off for only $26.99. To top that off, all orders above $25 receive free shipping as well. So for only $26.99, consumers can finally experience and hopefully appreciate what Naughty Dog improved upon to create one of the best titles of this console generation.

Still not sure if Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is for you? Head over to the official PSLS review and see what we thought of the game!