PS3 Review – UFC 2009 Undisputed

There are many game modes that will keep players occupied when playing through this game.  It offers a lot of value for the price. There is the usual exhibition match mode, as well as an online mode.  The career mode is pretty deep as well, though it should offer more years in a fighter’s career.  Players can breeze through the career and focus on fights, or be super detailed and control every single training aspect of a fighter.  As players progress through career mode, various points can be put towards a fighter’s attributes.  The amount of options here is quite impressive, almost overwhelming at first, but after adjusting to the options, it becomes a breeze.


The controls of this game definitely have a deep learning curve to them.  Even players who typically jump straight into a game may want to complete the tutorial, as it helps to learn the somewhat complex controls, and rewards the player with a trophy, as well.

The game is definitely worth it to UFC fans.  Even newcomers to the sport can find enjoyment in this title.  It is best against other people via online or local play, but the A.I. is a blast as well.

Players who are considering the title should try the demo, available now on PSN.

PlayStation LifeStyle’s Final Score

Graphically one of the best fighters out there

Deep but manageable learning curve for controls

Presentation is top notch

8 out of 10


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