No More Publisher for No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise


Earlier this year, PS3 owners were delighted to hear that an HD version of No More Heroes would be coming to PS3 and Xbox 360, called No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise. No More Heroes received favorable reviews, and was one of the best games available on the Wii in 2008. The game is scheduled to be released in February but recent chatter from Ubisoft indicates there may be some issues.

G4TV has just learned that Ubisoft will not be publishing No More Heroes: Heroes Paradise for the US. This was revealed by a company spokesperson for Ubisoft.

“Ubisoft will not be publishing either of these versions.”

This could be bad news for the game if Grasshopper Manufacture fails to get a new publisher, or a publisher that isn’t fully committed to the game. Ubisoft hasn’t provided any reasons as to why they have decided not to publish the PS3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game. They have only stated that they are still behind the franchise and will publish the sequel to No More Heroes for the Wii in North America.
