God of War III: It Only Does Half of the PS3’s Power

God of War III will set the bar for graphics as high as Mount Olympus when it releases in just a few days. But how much of the PlayStation 3’s power did the Sony exclusive actually use to achieve such a high level of jaw-dropping visuals? God of War III’s game director, Stig Amussen, reveals just how much the team at Sony Santa Monica Studios squeezed out of Sony’s behemoth black machine.

During an interview conducted by UGDB, Stig Amussen remarked that he isn’t sure if Sony Santa Monica Studios were close to using even 50% of the PlayStation 3’s power. When asked if the team could go further with the PlayStation 3 with future games, Amussen replied:

Absolutely, we can do much more with it. I don’t know if we are even close to 50% of PlayStation 3’s power at this point.

Yes, God of War III doesn’t even use half of the PS3’s power, and is already being hailed as one of the best games ever released in terms of visuals, even topping Uncharted 2.

God of War III will unleash chaos on March 16th for North America, and 19th March for Europe. Check out why PlayStation LifeStyle believes that God of War III is truly a shining example of “Only on PlayStation.”


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