Just Cause Blockbuster Adventures will Continue

March is a month brimming with great blockbuster releases. With the likes of Final Fantasy XIII, God of War III and Bad Company 2, March offered gamers a month not to forget. One of the other great releases within March was Avalanche’s Just Cause 2. The high-flying title shocked gamers with its sheer scale and you “shouldn’t be surprised” if a sequel is announced.

Last week saw Just Cause 2’s launch. The game received a more than average reception from both fans and pundits alike. Avalanche‘s head Christofer Sundberg acknowledges all the bright reviews and believes the franchise has a future. Sundberg told Develop that people shouldn’t be surprised for a Just Cause 3 announcement when it happens.

I think there are a lot of connections with [Avalanche and] the IP, and so we hope there’s still a future in it, and that future to live as long as us. We are absolutely interested in working with the Just Cause IP again. The studio lives and breathes the Just Cause franchise, and handing that over to another developer would spoil it. No one has the attachment to this IP as we do.

Just Cause 2 has been doing exceptionally well. The title topped the UK charts and received great reviews.

Just seeing all those review scores coming in was fantastic, especially from the sites that scored the first Just Cause a little bit lower than we hoped.

That’s the most satisfying thing for us, but we’re delighted also that the game got to number one in the charts in the UK. It was released on the Thursday last week, so it’s great that the game’s going so well.

Think the success of Just Cause 2 is enough to warrant a sequel?


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