The Fight: Lights Out E3 Impressions

When the PlayStation Move was officially débuted during this year’s Game Developers Conference, only a handful of titles were shown. One of those titles was The Fight: Lights Out. We got our hands on the PlayStation Move launch title at Sony’s E3 booth and plainly said, the game is a knock out.

Before you get down to the fighting, the two required PlayStation Move controllers will need to be calibrated to your height and body size. To do so, hold each Move controller out by your side and press the Move button. Then you’ll touch the glowing orbs at the end of the Move controller to your chin. This simple and quick calibration process is required each time a different player steps up to brawl, and it ensures the most accurate experience possible.

Although we were told the game is actually gesture based, it didn’t seem that way at all. The game did a great job at registering the direction and velocity of your swing. Throwing a barrage of punches with Move in-hand translated to a serious beat down on our CPU opponent.

It’s not all just about throwing punches though, you’ll have to block any shots thrown by your opposition. Don’t want to risk getting hit? Press and hold the trigger and Move button at the same time to perform one hell of a headlock. From there, you can pummel your opponents face until he’s knocked out cold.

The Fight: Lights Out is the most realistic fighting experience you can have without actually getting hit back. That being said, it’s not all guts and glory. We could duck, bob, and weave, but we couldn’t move our feet or else it would screw up the precision of the Move controller, so be sure to keep your feet firmly planted. Also, the graphics aren’t up to snuff compared to the other titles we played in Sony’s booth. To make up for it, Sony has included 3D support. The 3D added a layer of depth that just isn’t possible without 3D, which made each thrown punch seem that much more real.

After whipping some ass, the game tells you how many calories you’ve burned. You’ll feel the burn too – the game is quite a workout – be prepared to be wiping plenty of sweat from your brow after each bout.

The Fight: Lights Out launches later this year and will feature 3D support. This is the PlayStation Move title to watch and is quite possibly the most fun we had with the PlayStation Move controller thus far.


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