Portal 2 Won’t Have 3D, But Valve Teases at the Future

Even though the PS3 is now a fully 3D capable console and Valve boss Gabe Newell said the PS3 version of Portal 2 will be the best “on any console,” those two will not be happening together any time soon. Only time will tell what Valve has to bring to the PlayStation table.

After vocally denouncing the console on multiple occasions, Valve is committed to making reparations for the PlayStation 3 debacle that was The Orange Box. With an interview with CVG Valve Marketing Director Doug Lombardi expressed feelings that the studio wants to right its wrongs. “[Having a dedicated PS3 team] allows us to build our PS3 products internally, which we feel is critical for delivering the highest quality version of our products.” When asked about 3D support and the PlayStation Move for Portal 2, Lombardi confirmed that the game is being built without those features in mind. “[Move and 3D] will have to wait for Portal 3 or another title.” Although it’s just a figure of speech and not even to be taken as a teaser announcement, it does mean a Portal 3 could be possible down the line. It all depends on if the narrative allows for a sequel, or more importantly, the sales.

Slightly off-topic however, was potentially a big question. When asked if Valve has any plans to bring their award-winning Left 4 Dead franchise to the PS3, now that don’t despise the system, Lombardi commented “Who knows what the future will bring?” While it’s not an outright confirmation nor a denial, it seems for sure that Valve is loving their new relationship with Sony.



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