The Most Honest Game Ever Made is Coming to PSN Soon

Are you tired of games lying to you? Perhaps you’ve seen a game title and thought to yourself, “What on Earth could that game be about?”. Well, no need to fear Frima, the developer behind Zombie Tycoon, Young Thor and a few other special games are here to prove that a game title can tell you everything there is to know about a game.

Coming this holiday season to the PlayStation Network is A Space Shooter for Two Bucks! Finally putting to rest all those questions you may have about a game prior to purchase, A Space Shooter for Two Bucks! will offer exactly what it says, a classic space shooter for the low price of $1.99. Okay, so it’s not exactly two bucks since you save a penny, but swarms of enemies, bullets and missiles filling the screen, and an upgradeable ship and arsenal A Space Shooter for Two Bucks! is no small game. The game will also feature a unique set of colorful characters, which will all be fully voice acted.

Frima was not simply satisfied with stopping there, they also announced that when A Space Shooter for Two Bucks! releases, it will be free to all PlayStation Plus subscribers. Look for A Space Shooter for Two Bucks! when it hits PSN on December 21st.



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