Ico Novel Setting Out for Adventure

Miyuki Miyabe is a popular Japanese author who has written books in a number of genres including science fiction, mystery, social commentary, and juvenile fiction. Her popularity in North America grew when two of her works, Crossfire and Kasha, were translated into English. Miyabe has decided to venture into a new genre: video game fan fiction and she’s starting with a very worthy title.

Viz Media, an American-based manga company, will publish an English translation of Ico: Castle of the Mist. The novel is Miyabe’s interpretation of the award-winning game from Fumito Ueda. For those curious about the title, “Castle of the Mist” is the name of a song on the original Ico soundtrack. Miyabe’s novel expands greatly on the cannon of the original game, and Miyabe offers her own explanation as to how all the characters came to be. The American release for Ico: Castle of the Mist is set for June 19th, but it is already on Amazon for pre-order.



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