Learn More About the Game of Baseball with MLB 11: The Show

It wasn’t long ago that the Minnesota Twins catcher Joe Mauer was chosen for the cover of MLB 11: The Show. Now that the game is only a few weeks away, Joe had the opportunity to share his thoughts about being the cover athlete for such a big game, and how the game can be used as a learning tool.

When IndustryGamers spoke to Joe Mauer at a recent press event, he shared some insight regarding the teaching ability of video games based on real-life such as the award-winning MLB: The Show series. He stated:

“Some of our players use the game to teach baseball situations to their young sons – like moving a runner over, or what they might think of when a situation comes up.”

Joe Mauer then added:

“Actually sometimes our pitchers like to watch [the video game] just to get a visual of the hitters in the lineup they’re going to face in their next start…”

Similarly, Gran Turismo was what originally inspired me to learn about cars. It’s been over a dozen of years since then, and I continue my passion for the automotive industry, using games like Gran Turismo 5 as an outlet to learn more about something I enjoy. How about you? Do you owe any knowledge to any particular gaming series?

MLB 11: The Show swings at a retailer near you on March 8th.



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