Portal 2 isn’t Kidding Around, Commercials Pre-Emptively Jump to TV

It’s been a few weeks since we saw a big release, which is bizarre given just how jam-packed this year is with promising titles. Thankfully, Portal 2 is only a month away, and despite a couple of delays, Gabe Newell has announced that the game is completed. Valve is an intelligent company, and knows that Portal 2 has a solid shot at selling millions, so it’s no surprise that we’re seeing TV commercials weeks prior to release.

A TV spot has been released for Portal 2, and while it doesn’t include any new gameplay to make you jump from your seat, it may just inspire you to pre-order.

Judging by the commercial, co-op is an important component for the game. You and a friend can get your hands on the PlayStation 3 version (which includes the PC version mind you) on April 19th.

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