Sony Will Only Do HD Collections If There Is ‘Significant Demand’

Sony has put a lot of resources into making HD Collections. Sales for the HD Collections have varied; The God of War Collection sold over 800,000 copies after its first 10 weeks, whereas the Sly Collection sold only about 175,000. Even if an HD Collection doesn’t sell well, the low costs of development make them a profitable investment for Sony. Today, Andrew House of SCEE commented on the practice of making HD Collections.

While speaking with CVG, Andrew House said that Sony would only make an HD Collection if there was significant demand, and if the collection would represent a “sense of franchise.” Here is an excerpt from House’s remarks to CVG,

Clearly there’s a consumer demand for [HD updates], but what we’ve done is to say, ‘we’ll do this where it’s appropriate, where there is a sense of a franchise with multiple titles that are associated with it, and where we’ve heard from consumers that there’s significant demand’. But I don’t think we’re in the business of repurposing content across the whole library because yes, I think that would be a negative trend and I think would be received negatively also.

It is good to hear that Sony doesn’t just crank out these HD Collections without any thought. If you want to try to raise demand for an HD Collection, head over to the PS Blog and submit an idea. Check out the trailer below for Andrew House’s full comments.
