Driver: San Francisco Introduces You to Its Garage with New Trailer

If you enjoy driving sweet cars quickly through the city, weaving through traffic and zipping in and out of alleyways, then chances are you know what Driver is all about. Ubisoft will be introducing the latest from the franchise in the form of Driver: San Francisco next month, and it mixes together some of the old, and a lot of the new. But what defines an action-driving game? The cars, of course!

Below is a new trailer for Driver: San Francisco, and it introduces us to many of the cars which will appear in the title. Manufacturers include American muscle such as Ford, Dodge, and Chevrolet, European brilliance such as Audi and Alfa Romeo, as well as a few big surprises including McLaren. With over 120 vehicles, and some detailed damage modeling, this is one game that will get a lot of people excited in a hurry.

Driver: San Francisco is heading to several platforms, including the PlayStation 3, on August 30th for North America, and September 2nd for Europe. Check out our E3 preview while you wait.


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