Mass Effect 3 Multiplayer Outed

It has been rumored for some time, but now gamers finally have confirmation that BioWare’s upcoming role-playing title Mass Effect 3 will indeed have multiplayer.

In a preview for the upcoming November issue of Australian magazine PC PowerPlay, the game’s new and exciting feature is revealed:

That’s right – Mass Effect 3 is getting multiplayer! We travel to BioWare’s office in Edmonton for hands-on time with the series’ first foray into online gameplay, and chat with Mass Effect Series Producer and Mass Effect 3 Project Director Casey Hudson about the decision to go multiplayer in the epic battle for the galaxy.

While details regarding how this multiplayer will actually be implemented remain scarce, the magazine’s headline “Fight alongside your friends as the galaxy goes to war!” implies some sort of co-operative mode.

Keep it here at PlayStation Lifestyle for all of your gaming news as well as future info on Mass Effect 3’s mysterious multiplayer.