DICE Releases Battlefield 3 Beta Stats, 1.5 Billion Kills Registered

Electronic Arts developer DICE has just released some interesting data that was pulled from the Battlefield 3 beta. There are some pretty impressive stats here, most notably an over eight million figure for the number of players who participated.

The stats were released on EA’s blog for the game and are as follows:

  • 47 billion shots fired
  • 2.2 billion regenerated health
  • 10 million lost their dog tags due to a knife kill
  • 21 million M-COM stations were destroyed
  • 635.6 meters is the length of the longest headshot
  • 1.5 billion kills overall
  • 8,125,310 million users

DICE should be really be happy at the beta’s turnout, but probably not so excited about the impression that the beta left among some gamers. Let’s hope they’ll be able to make good use of this data to create the optimal online experience when the game launches later this month.


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