Pachter: Sony’s Jack Tretton is “Opposed to Blocking Used Games”

According to industry analyst Michael Pachter, PlayStation’s US boss Jack Tretton is not a fan of the idea that the PS4 would prevent consumers from playing used games.

In the latest Sony-centric episode of GameTrailer’s weekly show Bonus Round, Pachter brought up the fact that the last time he met with Tretton, he asked the US boss what he thought about the possibility of the next generation PlayStation console blocking used games. In reply, Tretton expressed his distaste for the idea, claiming that it would be an “anti-consumer” direction for the company to go.

Of course, Tretton doesn’t dictate what features the PS4 will or won’t include, but it’s great so see that the head of the US division is on the side of the consumer. Expect a huge showing from Sony at this year’s E3, but don’t plan on finding anything out about their next-gen console, which likely won’t receive an official debut until this time next year.


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