PS Vita Sells 2.2 Million Units as of June, Slower Than PSP, 3DS, DS and GBA

Sony has revealed the Vita’s worldwide sales figures as of June 30th – 2.2 million units. originally posted the number, which has subsequently been confirmed. The last official figure was 1.8 million units back in May, so that means the handheld sold 400k over the next two months.

To put it in context, over a similar timeframe, the PSP sold 5.05 million units, 3DS 6.68 million, DS 6.65 million and Game Boy Advance 9.58 million. Of course, the handhelds released at different times, so it’s hard to make an exact comparison, but it’s safe to say that the Vita isn’t topping any charts.

But the Vita had a strong showing at gamescom, with a new title revealed from LBP developer Media Molecule, the Cross-Buy initiative and an impressive trailer for Killzone Mercenary. Call of Duty Black Ops Declassified may also be a big system seller, despite not looking too great.

Are you a Vita owner, and if not, what would convince you to buy one? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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